[English version below]
Então pegamos o carro e colocamos todos os 5 caboclos com
suas devidas malas espremidas e pé na estrada! O caminho de Viena até Budapeste
não é longo, mas na estrada ví algo que nunca tinha visto antes: a neve! :) O
bom é que ela passou rapidinho hahahahaha
Esperei o voo pintando minhas mandalas, fiz um lanche,
troquei meus forints, e assim seguiu a vida... Até Copenhague!
[English version]
Europe Part 2: Buda, Prague and way to Copenhagen
[English version]
Europe Part 2: Buda, Prague and way to Copenhagen
After a night in
Vienna, it was hard to wake up to go to Budapest. We were in the hostel Wombats
Lounge, in a good sleep and the checkout was at 10 am. Guess who woke up? Hahahahah
So we took the car and put all
five people and their bags inside and gone! The road from Vienna to
Budapest is not long, but I saw something I had never seen before: snow! :) The good thing is that it passed quickly hahahahaha
We arrived in Budapest on
trying to find a hostel to stay. Matt and Brad had already
booked two days, but the plan was to arrive there the next day. Then we went to the hostel and
they find another hostel to stay.
We left our bags and went to
the famous night of Buda! Dude, what madness! A city exciting, dirty,
bright, crazy! We went to a party of the
first hostel we were the Grandio Party Hostel. This hostel has a bar, half
pub, half cave ahhahahaha happening parties that guests can come from several
hostels. A great sound, very excited. Then we went to a club that I
can tell you, Brazil is nothing compared the madness. Women hanging from the ceiling
dressed as angel, devil's men. A wall of women in lingerie
dancing all night. Finally, we had fun. Hahahahaha
And then we went back to the hostel, we slept. The next day, Kyle and Richi
went their way back to Germany while I was with other boys. We changed our hostel and we
spent all day walking around Budapest, happy. The city is beautiful. We visited a fair of Hungary traditions, eat, drink. In the evening we went to another
party of Grandio Party Hostel, which was a pub with... KARAOKE! That's right. Lively crowd, singing all night ... When suddenly ... they begin to sing ... "Nossa, nossa, assim você me mata!” The crowd goes into a frenzy,
and I was the only Brazilian there. Ahahhahahaha Amazingly, I
recorded a video that has been further ahead.
The next day, the sadness. Time to move away to the next
station. Remembering that I should go
to Prague, when I decided to go to Buda. But my flight to Denmark was
bought from Brazil starting in Prague. So I should go to Prague and
be there at least in the flight schedule. Compute: flight day: 12/04, 14:00. I was on 11/04, in Budapest, no
idea how to get to Prague. I asked for information and people
said the bus was about 6 hours traveling. Nice. I packed my bags and
went to the bus station of Budapest, where no holy soul could tell me about a bus
for that day. When I discovered that it was
only the next morning of the next day. That is, it’s impossible to arrive in time.
When I asked for information
in the hostel, they informed me that he could roll over to go to train station. And at that time, anything was worth. I went to the other side,
arriving at Keleti station. Once there, a woman told me I
could buy a ticket for the train there from 20:05. Lacking 30 minutes. I bought the ticket, which had
neither coach number, and went. I went where, I wonder? So ... A former station, fairly busy,
had a row of about 20 wagons ... And what was mine? I've been running with my
backpack, until I got into one they had written the key word in front,
"Prague." I went in and asked for a girl
who did not speak English very well, but she could say, yes, this is your coach.
As I had no seat number, I
went hunting for a place to sit, not knowing if it would be expelled. But then I found a place with
a man sitting, who helped me put the bag on top and gave me instructions on my
arrival in Prague. He was Russian, he spoke English. Ivan.He helped me, gave me a beer to relieve tension. Nine hours later I was in
Prague, half wondering if the place was even there. It was four in the morning,
and I, my bag and my heart we were scared to death. But I found a taxi driver who
accepted euro (I had no Czech crown) and could take me to the international
airport. Again, he did not speak English. Anyway, I went. He left me in the right place but
he didn’t have change for 50 euros. Miraculously I had 10 Euros
and 20 dollars (thanks Richi!) In the bag. And so I paid the race.
I entered the airport and my
flight was at 2 pm. I had to wait for the check in
opens, and as my airline was the low of the low cost, no idea where to do mine. I found out after a few hours
it was at check in from another company. And they sent my bag to another ward for being fragile. Once there, my bag is almost left
in Czech Republic...but everything worked out.
I waited for my flight
painting mandalas, ate a snack, I changed my forints, and so followed the life
... To Copenhagen!
CARALHIOOoooooooo Tainara !
ResponderExcluirFico lendo aqui e pensando se quando eu estiver viajando vou ter pulso pra aguentar essas coisas que podem dar errado. Mas a experiência que se ganha também putz incomparável.
Boa sorte ai menina se cuida e não vai perder o trem hahahha
beijos =D
É jamilly, viajar assim não é pra qualquer um!
ExcluirMas seguir nossos sonhos... Isso sim é pra todo mundo!