[English version
No dia 25 de Dezembro, 1:30 da manhã, peguei um ônibus que
sai da Alexandria direto para o Aeroporto do Cairo pela bagatela de 45LE (cerca
de 7 dólares). Cheguei no aeroporto cerca de 3 horas depois e peguei o ônibus
interno para o meu terminal.
A conversa durou até depois do desembarque quando perguntei
se ele tinha algo para fazer naquele dia, já que passaria a noite em Barcelona
também. Com o novo amigo de viagem, tentei encontrar um lugar pra ficar já que
o meu host do Couchsurfing havia cancelado. Fui no hostel que tinha reservado
para alguns dias à frente e eles me indicaram o host parceiro: Fabrizzio’s
Petit Palace. Era 13 euros a noite no dormitório de 6 pessoas, muito bom.
O hostel é novinho, tem 3 meses de vida. Tudo muito limpo,
parece a casa da gente. Café da manhã a vontade o dia todo. Saímos para jantar
e depois voltei par ao hostel. No dia seguinte meu amigo perdeu o voo, tomamos
café da manhã juntos e ele foi embora. Eu tinha o dia todo sozinha em Barcelona,
mas queria encontrar com algum couchsurfers.
Acabei por sair sozinha, e fui andar pela cidade como gostava
de fazer sempre. No dia anterior comprei um cartão de 10 passagens chamado T-10
para metro e integrações com ônibus e etc. Sai bem abarato, menos de 10 euros,
o que significa menos de 1 euro cada passagem. E ainda pode ser usado na mesma
viagem por quantas pessoas quiser.

Boa companhia, risada e etc. Os outros dias seriam ainda
mais especiais!
Aconteceu em 12/2012
Aconteceu em 12/2012
[English Version]
Barcelona: I’m gonna fall in love!
Some weeks
ago, in Egypt, I decided to go to Barcelona to spend the Christmas and New Year.
Brazilian don’t need visa to Schengen, so I just bought my ticket.
My flight
was 9AM, but it was late, no idea why. In the room, there was a guy dressed
with shorts and I was jealous. With the delay, he set by my side and we started
to talk.
We talked
until we arrive in Barcelona and I asked if he had some appointment in that
day, since he was leaving to his city only in the day after. With my new friend,
I tried to find a place to stay, because my Couchsurfing host canceled in the
last week. I went to the hostel I had reservations for my last days in
Barcelona and they found a place in the partner: Fabrizzio’s Petit Palace. Only
13 euros the night in a dorm for 6, good!
In the end
I went out alone and walked around the city like I love to do. In the day
before I bought a 10 tickets card called T-10 to metro and bus. It’s cheap,
less than 10 euros, so less than 1 euro/ ticket and you can use it for a group.
I walked
around, went to Casa Battló, took some pictures and decided to go to Montjuic
Park, without knowing exactly what I would find there. I took the metro to Paralel
station and I went up a hill until find a beautiful park with an amazing view
of the city. I continued going up and saw some gardens. It was a little late so
I decided to come back in the day after to explore more. Crossing a beautiful
garden, I saw the lateral of the Museo Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.
After the
restaurant, some of us went to a salsa club – and I’m terrible dancing! Hahahahahah.
Don’t knowing how to dance and with expensive beer, Adam and I decided to go
out and try to find a place to drink – cheap! We had fun in the Gothic Neighborhood,
drinking the 1 euro beer the illegals sell. I stood on my hands in an empty
street, since in the Christmas period there aren’t people on the streets.
fellow, laughing etc. The others days would be even more specials!
Happened in 12/2012
Happened in 12/2012
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