[English version below]
do meio para o final do evento, mas valeu ver algumas águas coloridas para cima
com música natalina: muito bonito.
ir para Barceloneta, pois além de passar pela praia – apesar de estar frio –
iríamos almoçar nas proximidades. Compramos o ticket para o ferry por 10 euros
cada – somente ida – e aguardamos cerca de 50 minutos. Acredito que no verão
fique bem lotado, e que o tempo de espera seja ainda maior. Entramos na fila, e
ainda da escada que desce rumo ao “bondinho” podíamos apreciar a linda vista de
Barcelona e o Mediterrâneo.
para o Fabrizzios e eu estava feliz e realizada. Com toda a fome do mundo fomos
caçar um lugar pra comer e pra variar, são os kebabs places que ficam abertos
até tarde. Comidinha pra dentro e fomos descansar para o último dia do ano de
Aconteceu em 12/2012
Aconteceu em 12/2012
[English version]
Barcelona, te quiero!
In the airport I welcomed my friend.
Taking the train, we went directly to Fabrizzios Guesthouse to drop his
luggage, eat the breakfast that’s free the whole day and go to the Magic Fount,
place of the “Fountain Show”.
Even we arrived there in the end of
the event, it was possible to see some colorful water going up with Christmas
songs: very beautiful.
We slept to enjoy the next long day.
The place was Montjuic again to take the cable car. I really wanted to show
Richi the other places I’ve been before, so we did the same rout around the
park and we found out that there is the cable car that goes to Montjuic Castle
and other that goes to Barceloneta.
Choosing Barceloneta cable car we
would pass around the beach and have lunch nearby. So we went. The tickets were
10 euros each – one way – and we had to wait 50 minutes. I believe that during
the summer it’s really crowded and much more time to wait. On the line to go,
going down the stairs to take the car it’s possible to appreciate the view of
Barcelona and Mediterranean.
It’s a short trip, but it worth. In
front of us, the Mediterranean, on the other side the whole city. Arriving in
the destination, we went down using a lift. The beach is very beautiful and
even it was winter, a lot of people were enjoying the view. We had lunch in the
place Rogério – the lovely guesthouse owner – indicated. After an amazing
lunch, it was time to visit the Citadel Park and Triumph Arc. Barcelona is
small, it’s possible to do everything walking. All places were beautiful. After
some pictures, we came back to the guesthouse.
It was the night that I was most
expecting: Cirque du Soleil, kind of a kid dream. I bought the ticket one month
before, 40 euros each in a good place. Since Palau Sant Jordi is not so big,
every place would be great to see the presentation.
By metro we went to Placa de Espanya
and were almost late. We decided to run and of course Richi was much better
than I! The bad things it’s to go up the stairs. I arrived without breathing
properly, but at least on time. Some minutes later the presentation started and
I was without words, I laughed and enjoyed. Cirque du Soleil is all people say
and much more. It doesn't lose the circus spirit and all kind of people enjoy
it. I loved!
I came back to Fabrizzios happy and complete.
Really hungry, we went out to find a place to eat and only the kebabs places
were open – like always. We ate and rested for the last day of 2012!
Happened in 12/2012
Cirque du Soleil *----* estou amando suas viagens!! Dreams, dreams and more dreams
ExcluirObrigada pelo apoio e por sempre acompanhar!
Que nossos sonhos se concretizem a cada dia, nessa vida linda, boa de se viver! <3